Finished gardens & terraces - Our reference projects
Due to the slope of the family house, terracing became necessary, which was solved in the family garden with natural stone walls. This allowed the garden area to be optimally utilized. The renovated old building comes into its own beautifully in the midst of this elegant design with strong color tones.
The upper access path is lined with varied, floral and colorful plantings. Variety in the planting was created through both flowers and foliage colors and textures. The lower access path is accompanied by a lushly planted embankment that makes a great eye-catcher: red-leaved perennials, fragrant lavender, large-flowered hydrangeas, evergreen globes, complemented by impressive magnolias. This planting is a nice contrast to the concrete wall in the lower area and leads like a red thread through the garden.
The first intermediate level is the family garden with a large lawn as a play area and a pergola. The staircase to the right of the house to the entrance is accompanied by a small wall with attractive planting. Here there is also a small paved patch with a tree island - a tall ironwood tree. This shady spot is perfect for cooling off from the sun in the afternoon. Further up, guests are greeted by three planters made of an unusual material: Lead. Lead was often used in old English garden designs, but it is rarely used in new designs. The material has much to offer, however, as it develops a beautiful patina.
On the other side of the house is a small backyard, which is delimited by ivy walls. The sandbox in the corner is also made of natural stone and surrounded by the colorful planting. In this backyard was also created a small kitchen garden for a harvest from their own garden.
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PARC’S Gartengestaltung GmbH
Buechstrasse 38
8645 Rapperswil-Jona
T +41 55 224 30 33
PARC‘S Gartengestaltung ist Ihr Planungsspezialist aus Rapperswil-Jona für funktionale und ästhetische Landschaftsarchitektur und Umgebungsgestaltung. Unsere Gestaltungen nehmen die Leitidee der Gebäudearchitektur auf und bringen Innen- und Aussenraum in Einklang.
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