Enthusiasm, experience, sensitivity. The mix of the team is our success factor: at PARC'S we do everything to design the perfect environmental design. In 2006, the company was founded by Eden Ltd. Since 2011, we have been designing garden and landscape designs under our current name: PARC'S Garden Design.
Managing Director
As foreman as well as project manager, Yannick Rothen has already been on many construction sites and knows exactly what needs to be paid attention to during execution. His many years of experience at PARC'S, his sense of aesthetics and his understanding of the needs of the clientele allow him to create wonderful garden projects.
Project Manager
Nicolas Müller is fascinated by the interplay of materials and the incorporation of his own personality into the design, so that something new always emerges. For him, the garden is a place to recharge his batteries and to follow the changes during the year and to discover new perspectives again and again - almost like himself.
Project manager, draftswoman EFZ specializing in landscape architecture
Nikolina Tepic completed her education with us. Her interest in outdoor living space grew continuously during three semesters of architectural studies. She is particularly fascinated by the interplay between nature and technical details. We are very happy that she will remain part of the team after her apprenticeship.
Draftsman, civil engineer
Through his studies, Sebastiano Vitale has a deep understanding and a flair for interior design. His passion for green spaces and fascination for nature motivated him to train as a gardener, which brought him closer to garden design. Today he supports our team with his versatile experience and creativity as a draftsman.
Apprentice draftsman EFZ specializing in landscape architecture in the 1st year of apprenticeship
We are pleased to welcome a new apprentice. Starting in August 2023, we will accompany Thanishanth Thayalan on his way to becoming a draftsman specializing in landscape architecture.
Head of Communications, BSc & MAS Business Communications
At PARC'S, Francisca Sommer takes care of the online presence as well as the communication of PARC'S and photographs our reference gardens. With her passion for flora and fauna, she enjoys her work in a creative team and unique gardens.
Accounting and human resources
Petra Terstiege has been responsible for accounting and human resources since the first business year. Petra carries the administrative structure of our company significantly and keeps the overview in every situation.
We combine theory and practice, experience and trend sense. Your garden wishes come first.
PARC’S Gartengestaltung GmbH
Buechstrasse 38
8645 Rapperswil-Jona
T +41 55 224 30 33
PARC‘S Gartengestaltung ist Ihr Planungsspezialist aus Rapperswil-Jona für funktionale und ästhetische Landschaftsarchitektur und Umgebungsgestaltung. Unsere Gestaltungen nehmen die Leitidee der Gebäudearchitektur auf und bringen Innen- und Aussenraum in Einklang.
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