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Finished gardens & terraces - Our reference projects

Garten mit Blick auf das Rapperswiler Schloss

Modern and homely at the same time

This garden impresses with its clear lines, which gives the garden a wonderfully modern overall appearance and extends the residential house. The pool enclosure made of Dietfurt Dolomite natural stone transforms the garden into a warm and almost Mediterranean place of recreation right outside the front door. A secluded spot next to the pool has been created here, where the warm summer days can be enjoyed with pleasure until after sunset.

A large lawn behind the pool gives the residential garden expansiveness. The view glides from the water over the open lawn to the end of the garden, where a breathtaking view captivates every visitor. The planting has been cleverly chosen and an interrupted hedge allows for an uninterrupted view of Rapperswil Castle. This incredible far-reaching view is an absolute highlight in this garden and has strongly influenced the design.

A very special planting

Planting makes it possible at all to create space in the open air and makes the garden look eerily idyllic. In the original garden there were already two magnificent trees. A Magnolia soulangeana magnolia and a Japanese maple Acer palmatum were temporarily stored during the remodeling and replanted in the redesigned garden. A rocky substrate is not normally an optimal substrate for a maple. However, since this one was already growing on the rock, placing it in the same spot was not a problem. The low-maintenance planting was designed to create a calm and harmonious atmosphere, allowing the family to enjoy a very personal garden oasis. The soft shrubs by the entrance make for a great sight when you come home. The planting at the far edge of the garden echoes this softness and draws the eye to the unique view beyond.

Lighting concept in the garden

The outdoor area has been transformed into a real living garden and even after sunset the garden captivates thanks to the individual lighting concept. While the light in the water colors the pool turquoise, the characterful solitary trees are further eye-catchers thanks to diffuse lighting. The neighboring houses automatically move into the background and the eye wanders again into the distance, where the lake and the lights of the city can be discovered. The entrance area is also a highlight at night. The lighting magically leads visitors to the house and provides an unforgettable welcome.

During the garden remodeling & after

Before After PARCS Garden Designgartengestaltung-mit-weitblick-und-pool
Before After Garden Design PARC'Sgartengestaltung-mit-weitblick-und-pool

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Planting in the garden


  • Magnolia soulangeana
  • Acer plamatum (Japanese maple)


  • Euonymus europaeus (spindle tree)
  • Lonicera pileata (honeysuckle)
  • Taxus baccata (Common yew)
  • Enkianthus campanulatus (Magnificent bell)
  • Hydrangea macrophylla (garden hydrangea)
  • Hydrangea paniculata (panicle hydrangea)
  • Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Red-fruited bearberry)
  • Kalmia angustifolia (laurel rose)
  • Vaccinium vitis-idaea (cranberry)
  • Rhododendron (Japanese azalea)
  • Pinus heldreichii (snakeskin pine)
  • Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender)
  • Briza media (heart quaking grass)
  • Carex morrowii (Japanese sedge)
  • Imperata cylindrica (Japanese blood grass)
  • Miscanthus sinensis (Silver Flag Chinese reed)
  • Pennisetum alopecuroides (Chinese feather bristle grass)


  • Dietfurt dolomite natural stone


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