Finished gardens & terraces - Our reference projects
This patio design becomes a real outdoor living room thanks to the homely furnishing concept. The modern brown tones of the furniture harmonize with the wooden deck, the privacy screen as well as the custom-made lounger, creating a warm atmosphere. The lounger is located right next to a raised bed with a tree - perfect for balmy afternoons of reading in the shade, where you can let your gaze wander under the tree into the greenery every now and then.
The raised bed is repeated on the other side of the terrace, where the large lounge is also located, slightly raised. The wooden privacy screen and the raised planting area with grasses enclose the lounge and completely hide the rooftop landscape in the background. This ensures privacy. Some accents were set by the various accessories, such as the garden table by the lounge.
Opposite are three tall planters with grasses, which repeat the planting area behind the lounge in terms of design and create a permeable division of space. Between them is the large dining table, which directly connects the living room with the terrace. This terrace design thus looks open and the furniture is easy to expand or reduce.
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PARC’S Gartengestaltung GmbH
Buechstrasse 38
8645 Rapperswil-Jona
T +41 55 224 30 33
PARC‘S Gartengestaltung ist Ihr Planungsspezialist aus Rapperswil-Jona für funktionale und ästhetische Landschaftsarchitektur und Umgebungsgestaltung. Unsere Gestaltungen nehmen die Leitidee der Gebäudearchitektur auf und bringen Innen- und Aussenraum in Einklang.
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