Finished gardens & terraces - Our reference projects
The clients of this garden design wanted as much space as possible on this hillside property. The garden serves the client as a retreat, a place for rest and relaxation. The spatial division of the garden takes up this need, so that different garden spaces were created on finely differentiated levels. The long pergola, which rises from the side of the garden by means of striking posts made of porous tufa stone, like a wide pergola, will in time be covered by a green roof of Wisteria. As a soft stone, the tufa will change over time, but this will give it its own unique character and charm.
The rustic materialization contrasts wonderfully with the modern design and furnishings: to match the tufa stone, shell limestone was chosen for the tiling and the coping slabs of walls and posts, which is also coarse-pored and thus blends harmoniously into the overall picture. An exciting contrast is created between the tufa and the lighter and finer travertine, as both materials were used within one component.
On one side, the pergola is enclosed by a half-height tufa wall; on the other, you can step out onto the lawn at any time between the supports. Straight ahead, the pergola leads to a small spot on a slightly elevated ledge, which becomes a secluded retreat due to the cul-de-sac.
The play of light and shadow is strongly brought out by the white-flowered planting of this niche, also by the fact that the sunlight shines through the pergola and the loose small trees, casting an exciting pattern on the floor. Cleverly hidden in this corner is also the cushion chest for the furniture. On the left side of the pergola is a small water feature set into the wall, which can be experienced from both the alcove and the lounge.
A step from the pergola into the lower area of the garden leads to the lawn and lounge. At the back of the lounge, the half-height wall from the pergola is picked up again and frames the planting. Small pedestals for planters with evergreen ferns also add elegant accents. The airy trees behind the lounge cast pleasant, light shade on the furniture without completely blocking out the afternoon light. A path leads along the edge of the lawn to the house, accompanied by a natural and varied planting of perennials and woody plants.
This garden design was chosen as one of the 50 most beautiful gardens of 2018 by the German publisher Callwey. Read the full report here.
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PARC’S Gartengestaltung GmbH
Buechstrasse 38
8645 Rapperswil-Jona
T +41 55 224 30 33
PARC‘S Gartengestaltung ist Ihr Planungsspezialist aus Rapperswil-Jona für funktionale und ästhetische Landschaftsarchitektur und Umgebungsgestaltung. Unsere Gestaltungen nehmen die Leitidee der Gebäudearchitektur auf und bringen Innen- und Aussenraum in Einklang.
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