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Finished gardens & terraces - Our reference projects

Privatgarten mit Brunnen

This private garden with fountain was designed on two levels with different character. The light materials of gravel and stone perfectly nestle with the modern and simple building. Meanwhile, the loose planting creates a gentle contrast to the overall picture.

Light materials

The spacious entrance area impresses with a wide staircase with low tread height. Light-colored materials, gravel and silvery-leaved plants create a modern ambience. In the upper garden area, raised beds with cushion-like underplanting and Japanese maples allow exciting vistas, and a small seating niche in the gravel invites you to spend cozy hours in the greenery. Along the house facade, the resulting warmth was used for raised beds with herbs and heat-loving plants.

Coziness at the fountain

In the back of the garden, the low fountain with a waterfall spout adds a special touch. The fountain is framed by a wooden deck, which provides additional coziness. From here you can enjoy the magnificent view in a relaxed atmosphere.

Design detail

The lower part of the garden offers a large lawn with a varied border planting. The adjacent seating area is covered by a pergola supported on one side, resulting in an open and light ambience. Furthermore, the pergola additionally reflects the pointed shape of the flagstone pavement in terms of design. In the background and along the garden path, lush planting provides a harmonious transition to the rest of the garden.


Woody plants

  • Prunus lusitanica 'Angustifolia' (Portuguese Cherry Laurel)
  • Acer palmatum (Japanese maple)
  • Hydrangea 'Magical four seasons coral' (Hydrangea)
  • Miscellaneous roses

Perennials and grasses

  • Anemone japonica 'Whirlwind' (Autumn anemone)
  • Artemisia (Mugwort)
  • Astilbe (Prachtspier)
  • Bergenia 'Baby Doll' (Bergenia)
  • Campanula portenschlagiana 'Birch' (Bellflower)
  • Gaura lindheimerii (magnificent candle)
  • Dryopteris affinis (Worm fern)
  • Epimedium perralchicum 'Frohnleiten' (Fairy flower)
  • Geranium macrorrhizum 'Spessart' (Cranesbill)
  • Helleborus orientalis 'White Lady' (Lentil)
  • Iris 'Framboise' (Iris)
  • Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' (Lavender)


  • Miscellaneous tulips
  • Clematis montana var. rubens C (Wood Vine)

Execution / Horticulture

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