Finished gardens & terraces - Our reference projects
The spacious and tidy garden comes to life with the lushly planted swimming pond. The large shore zone for regeneration and purification of the water transforms the pond into a classic swimming pond with a strong connection to nature. The various aquatic plants are therefore not only a visual enrichment, but also fulfill a functional task in the water cycle.
The expansiveness of this garden site not only provided space for abundant greenery, but also presented a challenge for the division of space. With organically laid out borders in curved shapes, the space was cleverly packed and the site was transformed into a small park. The park characteristic is emphasized by the two impressive pines with bonsai growth form, while the grasses used give the garden a lightness.
The transition from the large lawn to the swimming pond is striking: where clear and imposing park elements predominate in the rest of the garden, the area around the swimming pond is very natural and lushly planted. The wooden privacy screen is high enough to hide unsightly surrounding roofscapes, but low enough to allow the view to wander into the distance. The swimming pond draws the eye all year round, as a visual relationship with the pond has also been created from the living room through the glass façade. Another interplay also exists between the trees: an umbrella-shaped, deciduous tree breaks up the landscape and provides a view of the back part of the garden in winter.
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PARC’S Gartengestaltung GmbH
Buechstrasse 38
8645 Rapperswil-Jona
T +41 55 224 30 33
PARC‘S Gartengestaltung ist Ihr Planungsspezialist aus Rapperswil-Jona für funktionale und ästhetische Landschaftsarchitektur und Umgebungsgestaltung. Unsere Gestaltungen nehmen die Leitidee der Gebäudearchitektur auf und bringen Innen- und Aussenraum in Einklang.
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